Dead Sea Salt Benefits

Dead Sea Salt Benefits

The waters of the Dead Sea have been famed for their therapeutic qualities for many years, tracing all the way back to ancient times. These waters are extremely unique and unlike other water sources contain 27% of various salts as compared to 3% in normal sea water. Dead Sea salt benefits

Magnesium is important for combating stress and fluid retention, slowing skin aging and calming the nervous system. Calcium, prevents water retention, increases circulation and as parents always say is good for your bones! Potassium gives the body energy, balances skin moisture and helps the body to replenish after a nice workout. Bromides work to ease muscle stiffness and relax muscles.

Dead Sea salt benefits us by working to replenish the minerals which are critical to our skin metabolism. So by exfoliating or bathing with Dead Sea salts, you’re doing the body well!


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