Natural Insect Repellent

(70 customer reviews)


Natural Insect Repellent for dogs and humans

Repels mosquitoes fleas ticks flies ants,
Excellent moisturizer & deodorizer
Athlete foot natural remedy,
For the entire family, dogs, horses
100% active natural ingredients – Balm

Gluten Free balm, natural insect repellentNatural insect repellent balmOrganic ingredientsEco Friendly remedybeeswax balm



Natural Insect Repellent for Dogs & Humans

Our famous natural insect repellent balm for dogs and humans. It is formulated with essential oils & 100% natural ingredients, to protect from insects (mosquitoes, fleas, ticks, lice, flies, ants). Also known to be an excellent skin aid for fungus & insect bites. Moisturizer & deodorizer. Gluten free.

For the entire family, dogs and horses. Not recommended for pregnant women, infants & cats.

NO Chemicals. NO pesticides. NO Alcohol. NO DEET. NO Artificial Fragrance. Unlike commercial creams, you will only need to use a tiny bit to satisfy your craving for well-being & protection from bugs.

Spiritually strengthening, stress relief.
Pleasant refreshing forest scent. A treatment for Body & Spirit!

Our natural insect repellent balm is a great alternative to other toxic repellents.


ORGANIC EXTRA VIRGIN COCONUT OIL: an intense moisturizer that is rich in vitamin E. It is also known for its anti-microbial and anti-septic properties.

ORGANIC SHEA BUTTER – intense moisturizer with healing powers.

ORGANIC BEESWAX: antibacterial, soothes and protects skin.

ESSENTIAL OILS: All four essential oils used are strong insect repellents.

Concerned about the amount of chemicals absorbed in your body or your pet’s skin? Then this is a MUST.

Directions on how to apply 

Do mosquitoes bite dogs?

Yes, mosquitoes can (and will) bite your dog. Let’s explore this topic, find out how to keep these buggers away, and discuss which products are best, and worst, for your furry friend when trying to protect them. Read more…



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